

Electro-acupuncture is a modern form of research, where the responses of the body are attached to a number.

Diagnosis by Electro-acupuncture was developed in 1953 by:

Dr. Reinhold Voll.
As a general practitioner and acupuncturist, he developed a method to make Traditional Chinese Medicine more easily accessible, through an amalgamation of traditional Chinese acupuncture and Western technology.

Traditional acupuncture is based on the assumption that health is a balance of energy in the organs, where each body unit produces energy.

Voll developed a method to measure the energy (the electrical activity of the organs) on acupuncture points through the use of a machine. He then fixed a number corresponding to energy production in the body.

Electro-acupuncture according to Voll (EAV)
EAV is a diagnostic method that can also be used as a way to measure the effectiveness of medication on the patient, as acupuncture points react directly (through changes in energy) to each form of treatment (stimulus).

In the Practice-Progressive-Medicine, Britta Jansen used Voll-Electro-acupunture since 1991.
At the moment, Britta Jansen uses Prognos for the Electro-acupuncture measurements