
52Ayurveda is the traditional energetic medicine created in India. The word Ayurveda means “knowledge of the living.”In Ayurvedic medicine, it is postulated that people are healthy as long as the energy in their spirit and body are balanced.

The core idea of Ayurveda is that a sickness arises first in the spirit, and then, if ignored, manifests itself in the body.
An exception to this is certain genetic illnesses.

An illustration of this principle is event in an ancient Indian saying:
“If you want to know how your body is tomorrow, then look to your ideas of today.”

In Ayurveda, everything is built on the union of 5 elements:
Earth, water, fire, air, and ether.
These 5 elements form the basis for 3 vitalities. All energy, in the spirit, in the body, and in the world around us, has three bodily humors, which are called dosha’s.
Together, these 3 doshas are called the ‘tridosha.’

49All energy exists in these 3 bodily humors:
Our DNA, our nervous system, our emotions, the seasons, and the cosmic energy in stars.
‘So micro cosmos, so macro cosmos.’

The 3 bodily humors are:

  • Vata.
    Vata regulates impulses, movement, and changes.
    Vata is noticeable in nerve impairments and hyperventilation, and also in dry autumn winds.
    Vata blockages have been correlated to fear.
  • Pitta.
    Pitta ensures fiery enthusiasm.
    Pitta is noticeable in metabolism, passion, hotheadedness, and also in volcanoes.
  • Kapha.
    Kapha provides structure and firmness.
    Kapha is noticeable in resignation, possessiveness, depressions, and also on dark and cloudy days.

Ayurveda upholds that each being is unique, a perfect union of these 3 energy humors created at birth. The humors express themselves through bodily construction, immune systems, personal characteristics, and behavior.

50The proponents of Ayurveda aim to be aware of lifestyle, behavioral control, diet, massage, therapy, and herbs.

The science of Ayurveda descends from a time where philosophy and medicine were not yet separate studies. The writings of Ayurveda were completed between 3500 and 5000 years ago.

Ayurveda influences a lot of other traditional medicines around the world, including the Greek, Tibetan, and Chinese.

51Ayurvedic medicine is important to the Indians, and is often taught as a module in medical universities in India.

For some time the Ayurveda approach to traditional medicine has been officially recognized by the World Health Organization as a scientifically valid form of medicine.

Diagnosis and therapy IDT

(E van Schijndel)

91126135161The 24 main meridians (the 12 on the left and right), such as the Chinese describe, share a relation with certain body systems, a tooth or a molar, an emotion, a system in the body, a chakra, an energy flow in the meridian, and part of the kinetic system.

Stagnation of the energy flow in a meridian (excess or deficiency of the energy) has consequences on all components of the related areas.

If we know which meridians are disturbed, we can look at the reason why they are disturbed.

15 Diagnosis Frequency Spectra (DFS)
Through conducting a 15 Diagnosis Frequency Spectra, the present situation of the body is determined and the roots of the disruptions, accessible at the moment, are determined.

Specific signals that correspond to the cause of specific symptoms, are added to the body, and then the responses of the meridians to these signals are recorded.

These signals have been digitized, and, through the means of earphones, are transmitted to the cerebellum and sent directly into the body. In the resulting graph, one can read which systems in the body are suffering from the most disruptions.

164134128The most common causes of disruptions are:
Viruses, Bacteria’s, Funguses, Parasites, Toxic load, Psyche, Teeth and Molar issues, Geopathy/ Electrosmog, Miasmas, Scar tissues, Disturbances of the Nuclei , Hormones, Vitamins/Minerals, Chakras, and the Matrix.

Cause and consequences are closely linked in the body. For example, a vitamin or mineral shortage or hormone imbalance is usually a consequence of a disturbance, but can also be a cause of disturbances in the body.

An allergy can result from presence of leaky gut syndrome, which can also be originally caused by the presence of a parasite, which can also have developed from a weak immune system, which can be caused by lung meridian disruptions that has arisen from unresolved sadness.

Long-term existing emotions can cause changes in the nuclei. If these changes occur, they can have an influence on our behavior and our health.
Through the DFS technique, we can determine which causes result in energy disruptions and which organs and systems are affected because of the disruptions. This allows us to create a direction for treatment of the individual.

105 Therapy Frequency Spectra (TFS)
Through the means of the Therapy Frequency Spectra, it can be determined which specific substances can be used in treatment.

Therapy frequencies are derived from other fields of study including Homeopathy, Orthomolecular, Ayurveda, Phytotherapy, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, among others.

Diagnosis and Therapy Frequencies are digitized frequencies (signals) that come from the computer. Through the use of this technology, the use of direct sampling of medicine is no longer required as often. The frequencies are delivered by means of headphones, and are sent directly into the cerebellum.

Being Overweight – Monitored Weightloss

180172 166 187
FAT – Disproportionate deposits of vet

From research, it is evident that 3 types of fat exist.
1)Structural fat, fills the space between the organs,
and it is the fat that keeps the skin soft and taunt.

2)The Active fat cells, the normal fat reserves used by the metabolism,
are used to keep the blood sugar levels stable.
After mealtimes, too much sugar becomes temporarily stored as fat (in the form of glycogen)
be rapidly available when the blood sugar level decreases.
In the cold and during times of physical exertion, we also access this kind of fat.

3)Stored fat in the “inactive adipose cells” (hips, thighs, abdomen, upper arm).
When peoplemore sugars and starch then is necessary for the metabolism,
sugars are stored as fat.
This unhealthy fat causes obesity (to become overweight).

Being overweight is detrimental to our health.

40% of Dutch adults and 10% of Dutch children suffer from obesity.
It contributes, among other things, to degenerative illnesses, heart and vascular disease, diabetes, joint complaints, dyspnoea, etc.

Also, our fat stores are also storage for toxins,
as toxic substances are stored in fat tissues.

Overweight Therapy.
181 183 176 168 170
reduction of body weight within 23 days.

Treatment, within 23 days, often results in the reduction of body weight.

The effective combination of bioenergetically very powerful converted:
It is not medicine, contains no hormones or chemical appetite suppressants.
It contains the frequencies and quantum physical properties of HCG, LEPTINE and L-CARNITINE
which, for support, includes frequencies of the Nuclei
(nucleuses which regulate eating behaviour), frequencies of Ayurveda, Chinese herbal medicine, Homeopathy and Orthomolecular medicine.

Redundant fat storages are being burned under the influence of HCG
(abdomen, thighs, hips, thighs).
Normal subcutaneous fat and the muscles remain intact.
Despite the small calorie intake the metabolism and energy levels remain good,
there are no feelings of hunger.


HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) are human substances found in both men and women.
In men, it has, among others, the function of descending the testicles at a young age.
In women, it is produced in the first stage of pregnancy.
HCG guarantees the best possible condition of mother and child during periods of food shortages (war, natural disasters etc.)

HCG stimulates by means of the hypothalamus, the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland, the metabolism, the appetite, and fat burning.
LEPTINE gives a feeling of satiety and suppresses feelings of hunger.
L-CARNITINE (amino acid), plays a role in converting body fat into energy, amongst other roles.
L-Carnitine helps transport the fat to the cells, where the body fat is burned.

The Treatment:

  • Safe, hypo allergic, no side effects.
  • Suitable for men and women,
    23 days are generally prescribed.
    For severe overweight conditions it is possible to extend the therapy
    (with an extra 1 or ½ dose of the cure prescribed),
    or for the therapy to be later repeated.
  • Only the unnecessary fat, the inactive adipose fat, disappears.
    The structural fat and the muscles are not damaged.
  • The Momentum® treatment, combined with a fat-free and starch-free 500 calorie diet,
    leads to immediate weight loss, without feelings of hunger, fatigue, weakness or depression.
  • Through a balanced diet, the short duration, and the stabilization phase,
    it possible to avoid relapse after the cure.
  • If desired, you can remain monitored after the cure.
  • During the treatment you are fit and vigorous; you can continue your daily routine
    and continue to partake in moderate sports and exercise.
  • Before and during the treatment you are weighed on:
    BMI, BMR, fat percentage, fat mass, fat-free mass, fluid percentage, bone mass, muscle mass, organ fat, metabolic age, target goals.

The insurance does not cover Momentum as a Consultation.



Fat% = total fat
Desirable range fat% = goal value

Fat mass = fat in kg
Desirable range fat mass = goal value

FFM = fat free mass/everything that is not fat

Muscle mass = weight of muscles (higher in athletes)

TBW = body liquid (total body water) kg, does not say much,but  tbw % does

Tbw% = body liquid percentage (2/3 body= liquid)
In man: 50-65/  in woman: 45-55.
Lower=dehydrated. (coffee, alcohol dries out the body)

Bone mass = bone mass, kg.
Frequently between 2 – 4.5 kg, max 6.5 kg.

BMR = metabolism at rest/usage of energy at rest.
To high, fast metabolism.
To low, slow metabolism, more movement.

Metabolic Age = metabolism age/health.

Visceral fat = abdominal fat

BMI = Body-mass-index = body weight in kg : length in meters square
No distinction if it is fat or muscle tissue
No distinction for athletes (heavy muscles), elderly people (muscle loss
Ideal: 18.5 – 25 kg/m
To low: < 18.5kg/m2
Overweight: > 25.0 kg/m2
Mild Obesity: > 30.0kg/m2
Moderate Obesity: >> 35.0 kg/m2
Severe Obesity: >> 50.0 kg/m2

Ideal body weight = goal weight

Degree of obesity = obesity percentage

Impedance = quantity of measured tissue/tissue resistanc
On average: man 480-500 / woman 500-520
High>500 = a lot between tissues in the body (few muscles
Low<500 = many muscles, little between tissue in the body

What is Prognos

74Prognos is a computer-controlled measuring system for the Diagnosis and Therapy of chronic illness, developed for use in space.

75This system determines which meridians of the body are unbalanced, how the problem originated and what can be done to rectify the imbalance in the body.

122The basis of Chinese acupuncture is the energy flow in the meridians. There are 72 meridians in the body, and 12 of these form the fundamental meridians, called the main meridians, which exist on the left and the right of the body.

When there are no disruptions,  the energy flows these 24 meridians unhindered, and the person is healthy. If there is stagnation in the energy flow, then symptoms of illness will eventually arise.

Prognos measures the energy flow of the meridians using modern computer technology. Through this information we can objectively and accurately learn about the current condition of energy in the body, and where energy blockages exist.

The condition of the 12 main meridians is visible on the computer monitor after measurements are taken.

Every person constantly exists in a situation hovering between sick and healthy. The energy of a meridian is already disrupted before symptoms and diseases become apparent.
Therefore, the Prognos system can be used not only treat health problems, but also to prevent them.

For example, a blockage in the small or large intestinal meridian can lead to skin complaints, allergies, mucous membrane and sinus problems, lung complaints, tonsil problems, adrenal gland issues, and liver and pancreas problems.

Stagnation in the energy flow of a meridian has consequences for all parts related to that meridian. Which other parts and how much those other parts are affected by the stagnation of energy will differ individually.

77Using Integrated Diagnosis and Therapy (IDT), causes of complaints can be found and effective therapy prescribed.

This holistic method is based on 5000 year old knowledge regarding energy and their flows in the meridians, as well as Western computer technology, knowledge of traditional medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, orthomolecular medicine, ayurveda, and many other fields of medicine.

Prognos is a safe and pain-free method of remedying and preventing symptoms. It is so gentle that Prognos can also be used on an infant.

We are attempting to integrate alternative and traditional medicines through this technology, to detect and treat the cause of complaints, and to use effective methods of therapy for our patients.

At this moment there are 55 countries which use Prognos.In theory, all complaints of the body can be identified and treated using this technology.

Treated complaints include zijn:
Chronic fatigue, muscle and joint complaints, allergies, migraines, headaches, constipation, skin complaints, hormone blockages, emotional symptoms including fears and depression, ADHD, multiple sclerosis and rheumatic complaints.

For all symptoms and complaints, it is encouraged to first see a general practitioner and possibly a specialist.

79Prof. Dr.Med.V.Polyakov  in 1993 and 1994, traveled 438 days with the MIR space station around Earth. During his flight, the Prognos system was used to monitor the health of the cosmonauts in space.

Some examples of treated complaints
Information on the Prognos technique
Information on the diagnosis by the 15 frequency spectra
Viruses as a cause of disruptions
Orthomolecular Medicine

Descriptions of Directions
Aim: Be Healthy
Overweight-weightloss therapie
Glycobiologie – Essentiele suikers 
“Sugars that heal” Dr. Emil Mondoa